Sunday, August 30, 2015

Week of Aug. 31- Sept. 4

Dear Parents, 

This week we will be learning about color yellow. We will be working on color yellow activities. The vocabulary words we are going to be focusing on are: sunflower, lemon, banana, bee, school bus, and corn.
If you have any items at home that are color yellow, send them over with your child and we will be discussing them in class, we will display them on a table and we will return them back on Friday. The kids get excited to bring things from home.
On Friday the students will have ¨Yellow dress day¨ Please have your child wear a yellow piece of clothing.

Also, on this day, please pack a yellow snack in their lunch box. Your child needs to learn the name of the snack that he /she will bring.  Thanks a lot for your involvement.

Some of the stories we will be reading are:

In our Social Studies unit we will be talking about MY FAMILY. We will begin with this unit this week. Some of the vocabulary words we will be learning this week are: mother, father, brother, sister, baby. We are requesting a family picture, if you have not send it please do so by TUESDAY. We will be keeping the picture and returning it to you on Friday, September 4th. We will be discussing how families are alike and different. Each student will have the chance to talk to us about things they do together as a family. We will be discussing why families are important and why do we love our families.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Week of August 23-28

Dear Parents,
This week we will be begin our first study learning about color blue. We will be working on color blue activities. The vocabulary words we are going to be focusing on are: jeans, ocean, sky, blueberry, and whale.
If you have any items at home that are color blue, send them over with your child and we will be discussing them in class, we will display them on a table and we will return them back on Friday. The kids get excited to bring things from home.

On Friday the students will have ¨Blue dress day¨ Please have your child wear a blue piece of clothing. Thanks a lot for your involvement.

Some of the stories that we will be reading this week are:

In our Social Studies unit we will be talking about MY FAMILY. We will begin with this unit this week. Some of the vocabulary words we will be learning this week are: mother, father, brother, sister, baby.We are requesting a family picture for WEDNESDAY. We will be keeping the picture for the following two weeks and returning it to you on Friday, September 4th. We will be discussing how families are alike and different. Each student will have the chance to talk to us about things they do together as a family. We will be discussing why families are important and why do we love our families.

Manners, and the words they will learn are: please, thank you, excuse me, sorry, good morning, and good-bye. The students will be encouraged to use polite words in school.

As stated in our Open House, we will be sending homework every Wednesday.  Please make sure the notebook is sent back to school.

Please remember to check your child’s folder every single day and send it back to school the next day. We are working on this special routine with the students. Remember that this is the best way for you to communicate with us.
Wednesday, September 2nd
Pack a waste free lunch!
Join in the fun activities to help us learn ways to reduce waste!
Activities will be held during elementary lunch recess!
For more information on waste free lunches, visit

To help our students learn more about waste free lunches and overall waste reduction, including the recycling program, at school, our 10th grade AP environmental science students will visit the elementary classes on Friday, August 28th and Monday, August 31stwith fun lesson and activities.

EARLY DISMISSAL ON FRIDAY – This Friday, August 28 is our first Professional Development Early Dismissal. Our students will be dismissed at 11:45 a.m. We will follow A.M. schedule.

AUDITIONS OPEN FOR THE DISCOVERY CHOIR - Come a share your talent with our internationally recognized. Auditions will be held on Monday, August 24 and Wednesday, August  26  from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. in the music room.

STICKERS FOR YOUR VEHICLES – Each family will be issued a sticker for his/her car free of charge. Additional stickers may be purchased if needed at the Administrative building. Please make sure you bring the license plate number for the car(s) you are purchasing sticker(s) for.

CHANGES IN THE OCTOBER HOLIDAYS – We have received official word that a decree was issued in Congress changing the October holidays to October 7, 8, and 9 . We will be complying and changing the holidays.
We understand that some families may have purchased tickets for trips at the end of October, and we will be as accommodating as possible in helping our students with missed work. If this is the case, please contact the teachers and/or area coordinator to make the arrangements for make  up work and content.

COMMUNITY INFORMATION CENTER – The new Community Information Center will be open to all our parents and Middle and High School students and teachers from 7:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. To access the Wifi at the CIC, please look for the available service “Wolves” which is open to our CIC visitors.

FRENCH LESSONS AT DISCOVERY SCHOOL – Please review the Monday Memo to Parents for an update on this very important topic.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Week of Aug. 17-21

 Dear Parents,
This week we will be begin our first study learning about color red. We will be working on color red activities. The vocabulary words we are going to be focusing on are:  strawberry, apple, firetruck, cherry and ladybug.
If you have any items at home that are color red, send them over with your child and we will be discussing them in class, we will display them on a table and we will return them back on Friday. The kids get excited to bring things from home.
On Friday the students will have ¨Red dress day¨ Please have your child wear a red piece of clothing.
Also, on this day, please pack a red snack in their lunch box. Your child needs to learn the name of the snack that he /she will bring.   Thanks a lot for your involvement.

Some of the stories that we will be reading this week are:

In our first Social Studies unit we will be talking about MY SCHOOL. We will begin with this unit this week. Some of the vocabulary words we will be introducing in this unit are: glue, scissors, pencil, marker, crayons, and lunchbox.

Manners, and the words they will learn are: please, thank you, excuse me, sorry, good morning, and good-bye. The students will be encouraged to use polite words in school

As stated in our Open House, we will be sending homework every Wednesday.  Please make sure the notebook is sent back to school.

Please remember to check your child’s folder every single day and send it back to school the next day. We are working on this special routine with the students. Remember that this is the best way for you to communicate with us.

DISMISSAL – We remind our parents that our student’s safety is our number one priority, and that every mechanism we use during the dismissal at 3:00 p.m. is geared towards that purpose. Please follow the instructions and procedures established by the teachers on parking lot duty, and ask your drivers to do so as well. Slow down when driving in and out of campus, and roll the window down so the teachers in the parking lot can call your child(ren) ahead of time. We thank you for your patience and cooperation in these first days of the school year.

STICKERS FOR YOUR VEHICLES – Each family will be issued a sticker for his/her car free of charge. Additional stickers may be purchased if needed at the Administrative building. Please make sure you bring the license plate number for the car(s) you are purchasing sticker(s) for.
HEADS UP ON THE OCTOBER HOLIDAYS -  Congress has voted on changing the holidays that were scheduled for the end of October and move them to October 7,8, and 9. Even though this was just announced this week, we will be looking for further confirmation on the finality of this disposition. Please make a note of this since we will need to comply with what the government mandates, which would mean moving our holidays to the new dates.

AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES – Information regarding ourAfter School Activities ( French, Kempo, Choir, Jazz Band, Violin, Athletics, Soccer and Basketball) will be sent home in the middle of the week

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Week of Aug. 12-15

Welcome to Ms. Maria Fernanda and Ms. Lucia Martinez Nursery Classroom at Discovery School! This will be an amazing year filled with wonderful learning adventures! We will update the blog every Monday. You will be able to read what is happening each week in our classroom. Please join our blog!

During this first week the nursery students will be busy working on our class routines, procedures, getting to know one another and having fun.