Friday, February 9, 2018

Feb. 12-16

Dear Parents,

This week we will begin working and learning about the heart. The vocabulary words we are going to be focusing on are: valentine, shamrock, playing cards.

If you have any items at home that are with the shape of a heart, send them over with your child and we will be discussing them in class, we will display them on a table and we will return them back on Friday, Feb. The kids get excited to bring things from home.

Some of the stories that we will be reading this week are:

Our Nursery Rhyme this week is: “Skidamarik”
I am attaching you the link of the video of this song we will be learning throughout the week. We will learn two versions of this nursery rhyme. Just a little tip to have fun at home listening and acting out our song.

In Social Studies we will continue the unit about Friendship and Feelings. We are going to be discussing the different types of feelings. Children will get the chance to name them and know how to be a good friend and learn the words to express their feelings.. Some of the vocabulary words we will be focusing are: love, friends, hug, valentine’s, happy, sad, angry, scared, surprised, shy, worried. If you have any books or posters, ideas or any other material that you would like to share with us it would be greatly appreciated.

As you all know, this Wednesday, we celebrate Valentine´s Day. We will be having snack altogether to celebrate this special day. We will be talking about ways to be nice to each other and we will be discussing Friendship. We would like to make a Pancake Friendship Party. Mrs. Gaby, sent this week in the parents´group (whatsapp chat) what each parent is going to bring, thanks a lot for your colaboration in advanced! 

Resultado de imagen para valentine's day clipartAs Valentine´s Day is around the corner, we are requesting you to help your child decorate a shoe box to be used as their mailbox. Be creative, and let your child brainstorm the ideas that he/she would like their box to look like. We are going to display all these lovely mailboxes on Wednesday for your child to deliver their valentine cards for their friends. This is a voluntary activity. However, if you decide to participate, the only request that we have is that the students should bring one card or treat to each one of the Nursery students. This mailbox should be at school this Tuesday, February 12th.

We have a total of 12 students! Here is the list:

Christian Andree


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