Thursday, February 1, 2018

Feb. 05-09

Dear Parents,

Resultado de imagen para triangle animated picturesThis week we will begin working and learning about the triangle. The vocabulary words we are going to be focusing on are: pizza, pine tree, cone, pyramid.

If you have any items at home that are with the shape of a triangle, send them over with your child and we will be discussing them in class, we will display them on a table and we will return them back on Friday. The kids get excited to bring things from home.

Some of the stories that we will be reading this week are:

Resultado de imagen para three little red hens Resultado de imagen para three little pigs storyResultado de imagen para old mcdonalds had a farm story

Our Nursery Rhyme this week is: “Old McDonald had a farm”

Resultado de imagen para old mcdonalds had a farm storyI am attaching you the link of the video of this song we will be learning throughout the week. We will learn two versions of this nursery rhyme. Just a little tip to have fun at home listening and acting out our song.

Resultado de imagen para farm animals animated pictures
In Social Studies we will continue the unit about Farm Animals. We are going to be discussing the different animals that live in the farm. Children will get the chance to name them and know some of these animals. Some of the vocabulary words we will be focusing are: cow, pig, horse, duck, chicken, hen, roaster, farmer, barn, cat, dog. If you have any books or posters, ideas or any other material that you would like to share with us it would be greatly appreciated.

Resultado de imagen para 100 days of school clipart
It is hard to believe that the 100th day of school is quickly approaching and so it is time for us to start planning the festivities. This exciting day is going to be on Friday, February 09th. For this, we would like for you to help your child come dressed with a “100 day of school project.”  Some items that you may want to use are pennies, cotton balls, q-tips, dot stickers, legos, popsicle sticks, wiggly eyes, buttons, etc. The following pictures are just examples of what you can come up with:

 Resultado de imagen para 100 days ideas

Resultado de imagen para thank you glitter

 Thank you so much for your help so far, we had so much fun   in the community helpers presentation, kids enjoyed it a lot, and with the firefighters, police officers, and doctors visits. 

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