This week wewill begin learning about color gray. We will be working on color black activities. The vocabulary words we are going to be focusing on are: rock, mouse, elephant, koala, wolf, hippo, shark and moon.
If you have any items at home that are color gray, send them over with your child and we will be discussing them in class, we will display them on a table and we will return them back on Friday. The kids get excited to bring things from home.
On Friday the students will have ¨Gray dress day¨ Please have your child wear a brown piece of clothing. Thanks a lot for your involvement.
Some of the
stories that we will be reading this week are:
Our Nursery Rhyme this week is: “One elephant went out to play”
Science we will begin a unit about Food.
We are going to be discussing healthy and unhealthy snacks. Children will get
the chance to name food that is eaten during the breakfast, lunch and dinner. Some
of the vocabulary words we will be focusing are: pancakes, juice, apple, banana, carrot, bread, sandwich, meat, milk,
cereal and cheese. If you have any books or posters, or any other material
that you would like to share with us it would be greatly appreciated.
Challenge at Home is a small activity assigned to do at home
during the weekend with children. It could be a short story, a game, a song. Every
Monday Morning we will discuss about this little challenge. The objective is to
enjoy and to reinforce their learning and comprehension. We always appreciate
your involvement with your children’s learning.
For Thanksgiving we would like to make many activities with pumpkins, such as carving a pumpkin, playing man games with pumpkin seed, have the opportunity to taste pumpkin pie, and much more. I would really appreciate, if you can find a pumpkin and donate it to our class and have some more fun with this particular food. Thank you for your involvement.
For Thanksgiving we would like to make many activities with pumpkins, such as carving a pumpkin, playing man games with pumpkin seed, have the opportunity to taste pumpkin pie, and much more. I would really appreciate, if you can find a pumpkin and donate it to our class and have some more fun with this particular food. Thank you for your involvement.
Friday, November 13, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. we will have the Optica
Matamoros and Dra. Sandra Noguera doing visual and dental screening for our
Early Childhood students. Permission slips allowing this screening to be done will
be sent home this week.
Club, a community service club that benefits children of the Nuestros Pequeños
Hermanos orphanage will have a Christmas Bazaar. Interested vendors send email,
Kenpo Karate
We are ready to begin with Kenpo Karate
classes. The schedule is as following:
Monday and Wednesday from 3:15-4:30 p.m.
Middle School
and High School: Tuesday and Wednesday from 3:15-4:30 p.m.
If you need the form of registration
please contact Mrs. Yeri Villeda
(9480-7862) email:
We are getting ready for the ABSH
Basketball tournament; this tournament will be held in the American school,
Tegucigalpa. From November 11 to 14th.
If parents or relatives would like to
accompany us for support, they are welcome.
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